Does Medicaid Cover LASIK?

Did you realize which sense organs were the most in the past two years of the Pandemic? Yes, right eyes and ears, and the reason is pretty much apparent because we were on screen 24*7; you can’t deny it, right?

Due to excessive usage of screens, we face many health issues along with bad posture, right? Backache and eye infection is the most common problem which a large number of the population is facing.

And due to laziness and lethargy, we didn’t care about the solution, resulting in significant health diseases.

Lasik, dental root canals, weight gain, and hearing issues are rising.

Reading and working are difficult for those who are dealing with myopia and other refractive issues. Along with this, headaches, eye strain, and hazy vision could occur.

Individuals of all age groups, from children and adolescents to adults, are impacted by these issues.

To solve refractive issues, a Lasik procedure is one option. Unlike contacts and glasses, Lasik gives people results that last a lifetime.

While Lasik can’t stop aging-related changes, it can reshape the cornea and improve vision. Read also about does medicaid cover assisted living?

Despite all these advantages, Lasik is still an optional benefit; thus, Medicaid programs typically do not fund the procedure. And the top answer to ‘‘does Medicaid cover LASIK is No, it is not covered, but some exceptions might be considered in some states.

Read the full article to know more. 

Does Medicaid Cover Lasik?

Typically, Medicaid will pay for low vision aids, corrective lenses, eyeglasses frames, and routine eye exams.

Medicaid may also pay for prosthetics, contact lenses, and eye medicines when considered medically essential.

In some cases, doctors recommend Lasik to treat refractive problems brought on by eye injury or previous procedures.

For those who are physically unable to wear contacts or glasses, Lasik may also be medically necessary.

In such cases, Medicaid will pay for the LASIK procedure. Check your local laws as the scope of coverage differs from state to state.

Presbyopia, astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness are a few vision issues that can be treated with LASIK.

Since not needing to wear glasses or contact lenses might be helpful in daily life, many people elect to have LASIK surgery.

The CDC estimates that 12 million Americans aged 40 and older suffer from vision impairment. However, because LASIK surgery is typically regarded as discretionary and cosmetic, it is seldom paid for by health insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare.

However, there are some circumstances in which Medicaid may provide LASIK coverage.

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Does Medicaid Help Pay For LASIK Eye Surgery?

Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis is referred to as LASIK. This sort of laser or refractive eye surgery takes place. Refractive vision issues can be resolved by LASIK eye surgery.

Presbyopia, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and other common problems occur when the eye’s shape prevents light from normally focusing on the retina.

Does medicaid cover lasik eye

The primary motivation for LASIK eye surgery is to eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses to address vision issues. Medicare or Medicaid do not provide funding for the operation since it is seen as elective or cosmetic surgery.

However, if your doctor or ophthalmologist has recommended LASIK eye surgery as a necessary alternative, you might be eligible for coverage through Medicaid services or Medicare.

The procedure known as LASIK is frequently used to treat myopia, astigmatism, and other vision issues. There is no longer a need for glasses or contact lenses after this eye surgery.

According to the University of Michigan, the average cost per eye varies depending on the clinic and is around $2,200. Medicaid and most health insurance companies don’t cover these expenses unless the operation is medically required.


Except in cases where they are deemed medically necessary, Medicaid does not  cover LASIK eye surgery. If you are not eligible for coverage, talk to your employer about your options or inquire about financing with your ophthalmologist.

In Which Exception Does Medicaid Cover Lasik Surgery?

Because LASIK is regarded as an elective operation, neither Medicare nor Medicaid will pay for it. However, there are some situations where LASIK is deemed medically necessary, in which case insurance coverage can be an option.

Reading, working, or watching your favorite movies can be challenging if you have myopia or other refractive problems. You can also encounter eye strain, double fuzzy vision, and headaches. People of all ages are impacted by these issues, from young children to the elderly. However, the National

Eye Institute estimates that refractive surgery could restore vision to over 150 million people.

Ophthalmic surgery is one method of treating refractive defects. LASIK gives long-lasting results, in contrast to spectacles and contacts. It will reshape your cornea and improve your eyesight, but it cannot stop age-related vision changes.

The University of Michigan reports that people who undergo this surgery might restore 20/20 vision. Despite these possible advantages, LASIK is a cosmetic procedure and is not funded by Medicaid or Medicare because it is deemed elective.

Generally speaking, Medicaid covers routine eye exams, corrective lenses, low vision devices, and eyeglasses (when medically necessary).

According to the Utah Medicaid Provider Manual, it might occasionally additionally pay for contact lenses, prosthetics, and specific eye drugs. The cost of LASIK eye surgery, extra glasses, sunglasses, and related services are not reimbursed unless medically necessary.

In some circumstances, doctors recommend LASIK to treat refractive problems brought on by prior operations or eye trauma. According to, this surgery may also be required for those who are physically unable to use eyeglasses or contacts.

In these circumstances, Medicaid might pay for eye surgery. Make sure you research the local laws because each state has different requirements for the kind and quantity of coverage.

In the following circumstances, LASIK eye surgery for refractive defects is covered by Medicare and Medicaid :-

  • When injuries are the cause of refractive errors.
  • When a previous operation left behind errors.
  • When there are significant refractive errors.
  • If the patient’s physical condition prevents them from using glasses or contact lenses

Here are two scenarios when Medicare or Medicaid might pay for LASIK surgery :-

A doctor can certify LASIK surgery as medically necessary if a catastrophic accident necessitates surgery to preserve an eye’s vision and is the only available choice.

Another instance is when LASIK surgery, which was first performed for cosmetic reasons, led to a visual issue. Medicare or Medicaid will pay for LASIK surgery if the doctor confirms it is the sole treatment.

Similar to how they fund other surgical treatments, Medicare or Medicaid will cover the costs in situations like these.

Medicaid is a state-regulated program; thus, your state’s laws will determine what is covered.

Additionally, the procedure must be carried out in a setting and by a medical professional who accepts Medicaid assignment.

In the United States, LASIK eye surgery typically costs between $1,000 and $3,000 per eye. Where you live and who performs your surgery will affect the price.

Knowing whether Medicaid Services in your state will pay the cost of LASIK eye surgery is crucial if your doctor or ophthalmologist advises it for a medically important reason. Your medical professionals or the local Medicaid or Medicare office can provide you with more coverage information.

Medicaid Coverage For LASIK Surgery

Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that assists in paying medical expenses for those with low incomes, few resources, and other criteria that differ from state to state.

Additionally, it provides benefits for services that Original Medicare does not cover. However, LASIK eye surgery is typically not covered.

Medicaid coverage for vision care costs varies by state, as make any limitations or rules that state may have. Additionally, it depends on whether the treatment is deemed to be “medically required” by the procedure:

  • A disease
  • An accident
  • the signs of a sickness

LASIK is not covered when it is seen as an elective operation. However, it might be if the surgery is “medically required.”

Refractive errors are deemed medically required for LASIK if they :-

  • The outcome of a wound.
  • The outcome of a prior operation.
  • Severe
  • It might also be covered if you cannot wear glasses or contacts.

The LASIK procedure must be declared medically essential in addition to being carried out at a facility and by a healthcare provider who accepts Medicaid assignment.

For additional information on state regulations, LASIK eligibility, or other vision correction choices, speak to your eye doctor or Medicaid.

Medicaid Isn’t Your Only Option

People who choose to have LASIK surgery may be eligible for financial assistance outside the Medicare and Medicaid programs. One choice is to pay for surgery using your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA).

According to the Refractive Surgery Council, both insurance policies cover laser vision repair procedures (RSC). You could be able to pay some or all of the fees associated with treatment depending on how much money you have in your FSA or HSA account.

Another choice is to inquire about LASIK financing with your eye doctor. The cost of a procedure can now be spread out over several months or years, thanks to the flexible payment plans and loans available in many clinics. Some may ask for a deposit upfront even though they don’t charge interest.

Make careful inquiries about prepayment fines, late payment penalties, and other extra expenses.

Additionally, your employer may be able to assist. Employer discounts for procedures like eye surgery, dental work, and other services not covered by Medicare or Medicaid are becoming more and more common.

Large companies may also provide their staff with private medical insurance plans that include vision and dental coverage. Finally, consider acquiring vision insurance, particularly if you wear glasses or have a long-term eye condition. According to the RSC, vision insurance companies may provide savings of up to 50% for refractive eye surgery.

What Is The Cost Of LASIK If It’s Covered Under Medicaid?

LASIK surgery typically costs between $1,000 and $3,000 per eye in the United States, depending on your location and selected surgeon.

If you have Medicaid coverage, but your surgery is covered, Medicaid will pay the bill. Medicaid would cover the remaining deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays if you are dual eligible and have both Medicaid and Medicare coverage.

Ask your surgeon about LASIK financing if Medicaid does not cover your LASIK procedure. They might provide loans or payment plans that let you spread out the cost of the procedure over several months or years and pay it off gradually.

LASIK surgery can potentially be paid for with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA).

Please be aware that when you enroll in Medicare, you can still withdraw from your HSA without new contributions.

  • Cost Of LASIK Without Insurance

In 2020, the average cost of LASIK will be $2,133 per eye, which is a significant expense given that each eye just requires a few minutes of surgery. The extent of your refractive problem, location, tools, the technology employed, and surgery cost all affect the cost.

Before choosing a LASIK center or surgeon, it’s crucial to conduct extensive research. Numerous vision insurance companies provide a list of suggested eye physicians that pass a standard for dependability and reputation.

Finding a business and physician who makes you feel at ease is time-consuming, but it’s a minor price to pay for a successful LASIK procedure.

Conclusion : –

All patients’ query about ‘does Medicaid cover LASIK’ is covered. Because Lasik eye surgery is an elective operation with less expensive alternatives, Medicaid typically doesn’t cover it.

Medicaid is funded and administered by the states, so your eligibility for Medicaid coverage can vary depending on where you reside and whether the surgery is medically required.

You can visit the Medicaid website or contact a local organization to learn more about Lasik.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Medicaid offer LASIK coverage?

Because LASIK is regarded as an elective operation, neither Medicare nor Medicaid will pay for it. However, there are some situations where LASIK is deemed medically necessary, in which case insurance coverage can be an option.

For instance, the insurance partnership may cover the following circumstances for refractive error LASIK.

Does medical insurance cover LASIK surgery?

Historically, insurance providers did not view LASIK eye surgery as a medical necessity but rather as an elective procedure. The majority of elective operations are not insured.

However, these regulations are beginning to alter, and several vision insurances already provide LASIK savings. A vision insurance plan might be an excellent payment choice if you’re looking for LASIK cost-saving measures.

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